Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 13, 2009 Armada Township Board Meeting Videos

I will apologize in advance for the quality of these videos; they were shot on a Blackberry and they're a bit 'rough'. The first clip is 1 hour long and is presented here in its entirety to prove there have been no convenient edits. After the mundane, routine portion of the meeting has been completed, the public participation of the agenda addresses the proposed new noise ordinance. That section is very interesting and worth a watch/listen. I recommend you grab a cup of coffee and watch it all, because some casual items in the beginning of the meeting take on much greater importance later in the evening. If you don't watch the entire clip, skip ahead to 6:30 for the noise ordinance discussion.

Armada Township Board Meeting, 5/13/09
including public comment on new noise ordinance

The next clip is much shorter and includes the vote against hiring two full-time firefighters. The three 'no' votes were Christoff, Lobeck and Ruthenberg. For your reference, Trustee Ruthenberg is in the left corner of the shot, with Trustee Lobeck seated next to her. Supervisor Paterek is in the center, then Treasurer Christoff and Clerk Swiacki on your right.

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